Upgraded Video Streaming

New video service is faster and more responsive

As you may know I have a video store on my page where you can watch some of my training videos completely free of charge with new upgraded video streaming.

If you like them you can buy entire workshops or sign up for a subscription via this introductory pricing offer. With a subscription you can get access to the entire video2brain library of courses from me and other trainers.

You can check out some of the other trainers profiles here. there’s some phenomenal talent at video2brain, that’s why I love working with them. It’s so inspiring to work amongst a team of people with such a vast selection of skills.

We rolled out some major upgrades to our streaming video servers today. More details will be coming soon, but for now, give our new and improved online experience a spin with this free lesson from my Essential Typography course, on the subject of inspiration. For the most immersive result, be sure to click Full-Screen Mode in the lower-right corner of the player.



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