Tag: Illustrator

Illustrator articles & tutorials

  • Creative Training in Brighton

    Creative Training in Brighton

    Angie Taylor runs her own private art school, called Creative Cabin. Here she teaches art, design, sculpture, 3D and animation to artists and designers. Angie also runs classes for children in art & design subjects.

    Angie Taylor’s advanced After Effects Training courses are like no other. This is not just simply software training.

    You will receive professional training by an industry professional with over fifteen years experience in the TV and Film industry.  Learn how to create visually stunning animation, motion graphics and visual effects using professional post production techniques.

    Angie has trained designers at most of the top TV and film companies in the UK, including; BBC, Sky, Channel 5, ITV, MTV. Angie also works regularly for Adobe as an industry expert in their digital video products, speaking at seminars, conferences and trade shows.

    Other complimentary products can be included too including; Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, Cinema 4D, Final Cut Pro and Motion. Learn the software plus additional nifty little tips and tricks that will project your work a mile above the rest. You’ll get training in the product features and, if required, design and animation training from an experienced After Effects professional. Learn from Angie’s own successes (and also learn how to avoid mistakes!)

    Angie teaches four levels of After Effects course: Fundamental, Intermediate, Advanced and Power User. Each course is designed to give you the skills to get the most from After Effects enabling you to produce professional motion graphics and visual effects for film, video, the web and mobile devices.

    To receive a detailed course outline and pricing please use the Contact page form to express your interest.

    • Angie can provide individual one-to-one training on site, at your place of work.
    • On-site training for groups between 2 and 5 people can also be provided at your own place of work.
    • Having trouble getting a job done? Angie also offers a one-to-one consultancy service to help you with real world projects.
    • If you prefer an off-site classroom situation, Angie works with reputable training companies in the UK and can offer training at premises in most major UK cities at a discounted rate. Please contact Angie directly for more details.
    After Effects Learn by Video is included in the course

    Training includes all source files and fourteen hours of video training written by Angie Taylor and Todd Kopriva (Adobe’s technical support lead for professional video software). You can use these files to extend your knowledge and retrace your steps again after the course.

    Please contact Angie Directly using her contact page to find out more.

    “Of all the After Effects books I looked at whilst trying to learn it,
    I found Angie’s was the most user friendly and creative.”

    Chris Cunningham, Director of music videos, commercials and video art.

  • Book training at Creative Cabin

    Book training at Creative Cabin

    Author and designer, Angie Taylor delivers custom, one-to-one Adobe software training courses at Creative Cabin near Brighton and London. Please use the Contact page to contact Angie for more details about course content and availability. To see examples of Angie’s training you can watch free video tutorials here.

    Creative Cabin - Residential Software TrainingCreative Cabin is a completely self-contained studio apartment with amazing sea views.

    It’s the perfect escape for artists, authors, designers or musicians wishing to retreat from their daily routines and responsibilities.

    Getting away to an inspirational space like this can enliven creative development and focus attention.

    Angie offers very reasonable prices for customised, one-to-one training courses, tailored to suit each individual’s needs.

    To find out more check out the other tabs on this page or visit the Creative Cabin website.

  • Kinetic Typography Techniques with After Effects

    Kinetic Typography Techniques with After Effects

    Kinetic Typography

    Kinetic typography is an art form that combines text and motion to express ideas in the form of animation designed to accompany spoken word or music. Join author, and motion graphic designer Angie Taylor as she shares her considerable knowledge of this form.

    Work along with her in this unique course as she builds a complete kinetic typography project from start to finish. Along the way, discover how to create and animate text layers directly within Adobe After Effects using animators and 3D features, set up Photoshop files for animating in After Effects, and use a variety of effects and techniques to create numerous text animation styles within a single project. The course also offers lots of tips and tricks for animating 3D cameras and lights and using expressions and scripts to simplify the processes involved.

    Topics include:

    • Working with audio
    • Preparing source files
    • Structuring your After Effects project
    • Working with shapes and effects
    • Optimizing performance
    • Animating text
    • Creating 3D animation
    • Using expressions to create motion
    • Rendering your final movie
  • Creative Cabin Review

    Creative Cabin Review

    I wanted to share my very first Creative Cabin Review for my new training venture at Creative Cabin. This review is written by motion graphic designer extraordinaire, Phil Bearman.

    Training with Angie Taylor at Creative Cabin

    Creative Cabin

    Like many motion graphics designers, I’m entirely self taught. In the early years of my career I spent a lot of time following tutorials, reading the Meyers’ fantastic books, and watching Total Training videos, alongside doing a lot of experimental work in After Effects.

    10 years later, and I’ve been fortunate to build a successful business which has kept me very busy and earning a comfortable living throughout.

    When you stop learning, your work can start to look tired and repetitive

    I’m a firm believer that you should never stop learning, and with software applications as mature and ‘deep’ as After Effects there’s always something new to discover. Unfortunately the downside to being very busy all of the time is that it’s difficult to find time to learn. When you stop learning, your work can start to look tired and repetitive, and you can end up working on ‘auto pilot’ which is both boring and unsatisfying.

    Whilst browsing Facebook recently, I landed on Angie Taylor’s page, and one of her posts was promoting something called the “Creative Cabin”.

    For those who aren’t familiar with Angie, she is a long-established motion graphics designer who has become well known for her teaching, through books, video tutorials, seminars and classroom teaching, as well as being a regular contributor to community forums.

    The Creative Cabin is a residential studio space near Brighton, UK, which Angie has set up. The studio can either be booked as part of a one-to-one training course with Angie or purely as accommodation, providing a space for you to work on creative projects away from your usual working environment which can be a great boost to creativity.

    Creative Cabin - the view from the Cabin

    The Creative Cabin appealed to me in three ways:

    • Firstly, as an opportunity to take a break from work (as with many self-employed people, I don’t take nearly enough holiday time!)

    • Secondly, to do some much needed learning to reinvigorate my passion and creativity, away from the pressures of deadlines, emails and the phone ringing

    • Thirdly, to spend some time talking with a fellow motion graphics designer.

    Unlike the USA, with it’s many “After Effects User Groups”, the UK doesn’t really have a social scene for motion graphics

    Although I’ve been ‘in the business’ for 10 years, I’ve never actually spent any time in the company of fellow motion graphics designers. Unlike the USA, with it’s many “After Effects User Groups”, the UK doesn’t really have a social scene for motion graphics and this makes it difficult to meet other designers if you are self-employed. So the closest I’ve come to socialising is via the online forums, which just isn’t the same as being face-to-face with somebody.

    Creative Cabin accomodation

    So I booked a two day course at the Creative Cabin and a few weeks later took a train from Manchester to Brighton. From here I took a short bus journey out to the Creative Cabin which is actually situated out of town, slightly further along the coast. Before getting down to work, Angie showed me around the newly refurbished studio which has a picturesque view out over her garden to the sea.

    The studio is equipped with basic cooking facilities to allow self-catering (sink, fridge, combi microwave oven), a comfortable double bed, and shower room with underfloor heating, plus there’s an outdoor patio area so you can sit and enjoy the garden and sea view.

    At the ‘business end’, there is a large desk which you can either set your own computer up on, or use a provided Mac which has the Adobe Creative Collection installed along with Cinema 4D.

    Prior to arriving, I had discussed my requirements with Angie by email. I knew Angie was experienced at 2D character animation, which is an area I’ve shied away from in the past but needed to master for a forthcoming project. So I brought some illustrated characters with me, and together we worked through bringing them to life in After Effects, starting with preparing the artwork in Illustrator, then breaking it down and animating the various components using a combination of methods.

    Despite ten years of using After Effects, there were still loads of little AE tips and shortcuts that I picked up from Angie over the course of the two days, but where I actually gained most was from what Angie taught me about using Illustrator.

    I’ve been using Illustrator for as long as I’ve been using After Effects, but have only scraped the surface of what it’s capable of – I’ve never explored its features properly (always wanting to jump back to After Effects at the soonest opportunity!) and was really excited to discover just what is possible with Illustrator when you delve in a bit further.

    We also did a bit of training in Cinema 4D – another package I’ve been using for years, but only as a secondary tool to AE, so had a list of ‘weak areas’ which we explored.

    she’s a great teacher, and has a warm, friendly personality which immediately puts you at ease

    I found Angie extremely easy to learn from and get along with – she’s a great teacher, and has a warm, friendly personality which immediately puts you at ease (important when you’re going to spend two days sat at a desk together!). An added bonus is her Scottish East-Coast accent which, as anyone who has watched her tutorials video will know, is very easy on the ears!

    Cliff-top view in Peacehaven close to the Creative Cabin

    Stunning cliff-top view on my morning run

    In the evening I decided it would be nice to try one of the local pubs for dinner, as recommended by Angie, and she was kind enough to give up her evening and join me for dinner. We had a great chat about how we’d got into the industry, the highs and lows of being a self-employed motion graphics designer, and discovered shared interests (DJing, cooking and gardening) which gave us plenty to chat about. It was really refreshing to chat to somebody about work without fear of boring them(!) and who had been through all the same kind of experiences along the way. The food was also good, as promised!

    I like to go for a run first thing in the morning (an essential stress-buster and counter-balance for the sedentary day sat in front of a monitor) – the Creative Cabin is situated close to a cliff-top, which provided a picturesque route for jogging and fresh sea air – a perfect start to the day!

    I came away feeling relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated

    My two-day stay was everything I hoped it would be – I came away feeling relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated, excited to use the new skills and tricks I’ve picked up from Angie. It’s been a pleasure to meet her and we will undoubtedly keep in touch.

    I would recommend Angie and the Creative Cabin to anyone who wants to sharpen up their creative skills – whether you’re a complete novice, or an experienced professional – or to anyone who wants a change of scenery to work on a creative project, and I wish Angie every success with this new venture.


  • Software Training Courses with Lynda.com

    You can now access most of my software training courses with Lynda.com. This link will take you to my author page where you can find out more about the courses I have on offer. Here’s a free taster of the kind of things I teach in my tutorials.

    Using the Stroke effect

    View this entire Kinetic Typography Techniques with After Effects course and more in the lynda.com library.

    I recorded these courses with video2brain and they are now part of the Lynda.com library. If you prefer to buy individual courses then you still can for a limited time in my tutorials store.

    Of course a Lynda.com subscription gives you access to the entire library of training by me and other authors including Trish and Chris Meyer, Rob Garrott, Deke McKlelland and more.

    Free seven-day trial

    lynda.com online training tutorials

    I’m giving away a free 7-day trial subscription. If you have a quiet week, sign up here and pack as much training in as you can to get real value from this offer. Once you’ve benefitted from a week’s training I’m sure you’ll see the benefit of a full-time, no-holes-barred subscription!

    If you subscribe now you’ll soon get access to my latest course which is coming soon. “Up and Running with Cinema 4D Lite” is a complete 2-day course in Cinema 4D Lite, aimed at After Effects users who have little knowledge of 3D applications. It will help you make the most of this free software that was bundled as part of After Effects CC.

  • Interactive Software Training

    Remote training in the comfort of your own desktop

    For those who are not in the Brighton or London area, Angie provides interactive software training remotely via SkypeAdobe Connect, Google Hangout or Apple Messages.

    Angie Taylor Teaching at FMX

    What’s covered?

    This kind of training is perfect for those who have encountered problems that they can’t resolve on their own. You can ask Angie any questions regarding how to do something with the software and she’ll find a solution for you and demonstrate to you how to solve it.

    Subjects covered include all aspects of Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Maxon Cinema 4D. You can email Angie questions beforehand so that she can prepare materials suitable for your particular needs. She will share any necessary materials with you so you can follow along or you can have Angie work on your own projects.

    How Does it work?

    This involves sitting at your own computer while Angie Shares her screen with you to show you her tips and techniques and answer your questions. You can follow her steps as you watch and ask questions, just like you can in a regular training course. It’s easy to set up. all you need to do is to contact Angie with your requirements and then she’ll help you with the rest.

    What does it cost?

    For individuals, the cost of this bespoke one-to-one software training is $74.95 per hour (Bookings of 5 hours or more are charged at $45.95 per hour). Setting up is free, you won’t be charged till the training begins.

    How do I pay?

    Payment is made before the session and can be done via your own Paypal account or by direct Bank transfer.

    Remote Training for Groups

    Angie can also provide training for groups via Skype, Google Hangouts or Adobe Connect.  In a classroom situation, this can be done via a TV that can display Skype. Angie can help you set this up.

    Alternatively, people can access the training at their own desktops using Adobe Connect. This is ideal for training groups who include people in different locations or situations where a single training room is not available. The cost for group training is a flat rate of $99.95 per hour.

  • Halloween Video Tutorial

    Halloween Video Tutorial

    In this free Halloween Video Tutorial from the lovely, generous folks at video2brain, Angie Taylor shows how to use her Blob Brush Sculpture techniques to create a Skull in Adobe Illustrator. This movie is part of her Adobe Illustrator CS6: Learn by Video product, made for video2brain in partnership with co-author, Chad Chelius.

  • Getting Started with Illustrator CS6

    Getting Started with Illustrator CS6

    Getting Started with Illustrator CS6

    Getting Started with Illustrator CS6

    Step-by-Step Basics to Get You on Your Way

    In CS6 Adobe Illustrator is more powerful than ever before, and in this course Angie Taylor shows you just how easy it can be to use. You’ll get a tour of the interface, gain an understanding of the workflow, and be introduced to core techniques like working with artboards, understanding layers and objects, and making and moving selections. You’ll also learn how to create images from shapes, apply color, reshape paths, and save and export artwork for the web, print, or animation.
    Check out some free movies from this workshop here. Click on the unlocked links to watch a movie.

    Free Movies
  • Illustrator CS6 – Learn by Video

    Illustrator CS6 – Learn by Video

    I’m very pleased to announce that my new workshop – Adobe Illustrator CS6 – Learn by Video – is now available to buy directly from the web store on my videos page. I’m also featuring some free example movies from this workshop right here so you can try before you buy.

    Newsletter subscribers can also benefit from a 20% discount code off the price of the entire workshop so if you haven’t already subscribed you can do so now to take advantage of this and other special offers only available to my subscribers.

    This Learn by Video course offers in-depth training on the interface, workflow, and features of Adobe Illustrator CS6. Amongst other things you’ll learn my own techniques for drawing characters including my “Illustrator” superhero. Here’s the intro movie where I tell you more about the course.

    The contents of this course include:

    Introducing Illustrator CS6
    In this chapter you’ll be introduced to Adobe Illustrator — what it is and what it does — and get an overview of what will be covered in this course. You’ll also be taken on a tour of the new features in Illustrator CS6.

    Illustrator Fundamentals
    This chapter explores two concepts that are crucial to an understanding of how Illustrator works: the difference between bitmap (or raster) images and vector images, and the concept of paths.

    Exploring the Illustrator Interface
    In this chapter you’ll learn how to work with important elements of the Illustrator interface like panels, the Application bar and frame, artboards, and workspaces.

    Navigating and Using Views in Illustrator
    Being able to easily move around your documents and see them in different ways can be a big help in your work. This chapter will explain how to navigate in Illustrator CS6 and use the different viewing and screen modes.

    Working with Documents
    This chapter shows you how to efficiently create, modify, and view documents. You’ll learn how to use templates, guides, grids, Adobe Bridge, and more.

    Creating and Working with Shapes
    Shapes are a very important part of Illustrator, and in this chapter you’ll learn about the various tools available for creating and modifying shapes.

    You can transform objects in a variety of different ways in Illustrator CS6. This chapter shows you the various methods that can be used to transform and modify objects, including how to use the Transform panel.

    Understanding Objects and Layers
    This chapter shows you how to select and modify objects in Illustrator CS6 and explores the multitude of options you can use to create artwork. We’ll look at saving selections, grouping items, layers and stacking order, and Isolation mode.

    Drawing is at the heart of the work you’ll do in Illustrator. In this chapter you’ll learn all about the tools, techniques, and features related to drawing in Illustrator CS6.

    Using Symbols
    Symbols are a handy feature in Illustrator, and in this chapter you’ll learn how to create them, move and rotate them, adjust their size and color, and apply graphic styles.

    Color makes a big difference to the appearance of your artwork. In this chapter you’ll learn how to work with color-related features in Illustrator like the Colors panel, swatches, gradients, Live Paint, and more.

    In this chapter you’ll learn how to add text to your documents, format that text, create styles, and more.

    Working with Images
    In this chapter, you’ll learn how to place graphics and see all the tools Illustrator offers once they are there to help you get great results in your designs.

    Working with Effects
    With effects, you can apply a look to a path that doesn’t alter the path at all. It will print like what you see on your monitor, but in reality, it’s all just an illusion…a very powerful, editable, printable illusion that can be saved as a PDF, placed in Photoshop and InDesign, and more. You’ll learn all about this incredible technology in this chapter.

    If you have information you want to convey as a graph or chart, Illustrator has the tool. The chart and graph tools in Illustrator aren’t new, but they are very powerful and allow you to present data in a more interesting way, as you’ll see in this chapter.

    Beyond Illustrator
    Eventually there will come a time when you want to save your Illustrator work as a PDF or in one of the common web file formats, or output it for use in an animation. The videos in this chapter will show you how.

    Project Explorations
    In this chapter you’ll apply the skills you’ve learned in this course to some projects that give you an idea of just what Illustrator is capable of.

    Closing Thoughts
    In this chapter you’ll get a brief recap of what’s been covered in the course and a few final thoughts from the author.

    The lessons are wrapped in a feature-rich interface that lets you jump to any topic and bookmark individual sections for later review. Full-Screen mode provides a hi-def, immersive experience, and Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window so you can play the videos alongside your application. Also included are exercise files that give you an easy way to try out the techniques you learn and a 48-page guide containing supplemental material.

    Click here to subscribe to my Newsletter and enefit from a 20% discount code off the price of the entire workshop.

  • Creative Graphic Design: Essential Typography

    Creative Graphic Design: Essential Typography

    Making good decisions is essential in typography — choosing the right typefaces, fonts, sizes, spacing and so on — can have a major impact on the quality of your designs. In this one-of-a-kind workshop, art director, illustrator, and motion graphic designer Angie Taylor introduces you to the essential principles of typography.

    After exploring the terminology, history, and anatomy of traditional and computer-based fonts, she brings you all the way up to the present day by looking at how text is formatted in today’s creative applications.

    You’ll also learn specific software techniques for creating your own lettering from hand-drawn text, animating text on a path, using operators and effects to customize existing fonts, working with 3D text, and more.

    This workshop covers many aspects of typography, from its history and terminology to how it is handled by modern software. The contents of this course include:

    The Introduction chapter sets the stage for the whole course. Your trainer, Angie Taylor, will introduce some of the typographic concepts that will be covered in the following lessons. She’ll also share the story of what inspired her to become a graphic designer.

    The Essence of Typography
    This chapter examines the fundamentals of typography, looking at the history of type and how it influences the terminology we use to describe the anatomy of type.

    This chapter focuses on typefaces. It begins by examining the categories of typefaces and then compares some examples from each of the categories so that you are better able to recognize the differences between them. You’ll also discover how certain characteristics and cultural associations can influence the meaning of a particular typeface.

    Typefaces usually include several fonts with different weights and characteristics. In this chapter you’ll learn about these and the differences and similarities in size, weight, line, and detail that you should be aware of when choosing fonts. We’ll also look at special characters that are included in fonts, such as ligatures.

    The space between letters, words, and lines of text is just as important as the characters themselves. In this chapter we’ll start thinking of negative space as a shape and look at ways of adjusting this space to balance text correctly.

    Formatting Text in Adobe Applications
    Most Adobe design and video applications have similar typographic controls. In this chapter we’ll look at the different tools that are available for editing your text and apply some of the concepts we’ve discussed in earlier chapters.

    Working with Type in Photoshop
    This chapter focuses on the (somewhat limited) text features available Adobe Photoshop. You’ll also learn about some complementary features like layer styles that you can use to personalize your design and add pizzazz to your text.

    Working with Type in Illustrator
    Illustrator is Angie’s favorite application for designing text, and here’s why. In this chapter you’ll get a ton of creative tips on ways to take a standard, classic font like Helvetica and customize it to get a variety of different looks.

    Motion Graphics in Adobe After Effects
    In this chapter we’ll focus on creating text for your motion graphic designs. You’ll see how After Effects handles text imported from Photoshop, how to make text move along a specified path, and how to apply effects. We’ll also look at the multitude of text animation presets that you can apply to your text.

    The lessons are wrapped in a feature-rich interface that lets you jump to any topic and bookmark individual sections for later review. Full-Screen mode provides a hi-def, immersive experience, and Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window so you can play the videos alongside your application. Also included are exercise files that give you an easy way to try out the techniques you learn.

    Download a PDf description of this course


  • Winter Sale!

    Winter Sale!

    In my winter sale there’s 30% off all Wacom workshops in my store.

    This offer includes volumes 1, 2, 3 & the Master Collection. To find out more you can read about them here and then check out the courses here and even watch some free preview movies to get a taster of what’s on offer. (Any links highlighted in black are free to watch.) If you decide to buy then just use the Coupon Code WACOM30 when checking out from my video store for 30% off any of the four Wacom courses or the entire Master Collection.

    This offer is good through to the end of 2011. With all video2brain courses you now have the option to have them delivered to you on DVD. At the checkout you now have a checkbox option to add a disc for just $6.99 (this price includes manufacturing and shipping costs.)

  • Creative Graphic Design: Essential Typography

    Creative Graphic Design: Essential Typography

    My new workshop, Creative Graphic Design: Essential Typography is due to be released next week, just in time for the festive season! The folks at video2brain have kindly allowed me to give my readers a sneak preview and access to one of the movies from this workshop so here it is.

    Master the Art of Arranging Text

    Typography, the art of arranging text, has a long and storied history. In this one-of-a-kind workshop, art director, illustrator, and motion graphic designer Angie Taylor introduces you to the essential principles of typography. After exploring the terminology, history, and anatomy of traditional and computer-based fonts, she brings you all the way up to the present day by looking at how text is formatted in today’s creative applications. You’ll also learn specific software techniques for creating your own lettering from hand-drawn text, animating text on a path, using operators and effects to customize existing fonts, working with 3D text, and more.