
OK, it’s been a while since I posted a blog, I’ve been really busy trying to reinvent myself again! The last year has been an odd one. I decided to take a few months off from doing international events after IBC 2007, due to sheer exhaustion. But just as I was ready to return, Adobe made major changes in terms of events and marketing. Unfortunately, as a result, most of the freelancers in the UK (including myself) have lost a lot of UK-based demo work. Freelancers in the UK region have had to find alternative sources of income to replace this work.

Luckily there still seem to be a few companies in need of freelance demo artists so I am still doing the odd demo here and there;



NAB Europe

But on the whole the slow down in demo work has been a good thing as it has encouraged me to get more involved in the creative pursuits that I have been studiously avoiding due to fear of failure! I’m now concentrating my time on writing my new book (which is not software based but still related to the industry) and teaching at Sussex Downs college and the University of Brighton. I’m also working on my own creative project when I can find time and am still doing freelance After effects work for production companies in the London/South East area.

Anyway, I’m looking for a bit of feedback regarding how many people in the digital media industry have traditional art or design training (art college or similar). Please feel free to respond to this post with a little info regarding the job you do, and how you got into the industry. Thanks for any responses,

Angie x


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