Free After Effects Preset Collection

“Wacky Backy” is my free After Effects preset collection for Sapphire V6. It is now freely available to download from Genarts FX Central. These animated backgrounds have a slightly wacky quality and can be used freely in your own creative projects.

Use them as they come or as a starting point for your own presets – you could try using the Brainstorm tool on properties to come up your own variations – it’s addictive! Subscribers to my video training can watch a movie on Brainstorming in After Effects free here. If you’re not already subscribed, here’s a link to join us. For as little as $12.99 per month you can have free access to all of the training on my website plus all the other training by other authors at video2brain.

If you’re not already a member of FX Central it’s free and easy to join. Then you can download as many presets as you like. If you want to try out my presets on Sapphire for After Effects you can download a trial version of the software here. Find out more about the amazing software that Genarts has to offer and customer stories here on their website

These dynamic presets can be used for backgrounds, displacement maps or organic elements in your project.


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