Tag: Skype training

Training via Skype for remote locations

  • One-to-one training near Brighton

    One-to-one training near Brighton

    Angie Taylor is a renowned artist, sculptor and animator. She runs bespoke training courses at her private art school, Creative Cabin. She also runs art classes for children of all ages. Please contact Angie to find out more about these.

    Most of her training classes are taught remotely. She can also provide one-to-one training courses at her studio, near Brighton, UK. Courses include;

    All course are customised, one-to-one training courses, tailored to suit each individual’s needs.

    Read reviews from people who have benefited from Angie’s training on the Creative Cabin website. Angie has worked with a wide range of people including graphic designers, editors, film-makers, artists, illustrators and photographers. Previous clients include; BBC, JCDecaux, Modern Toss, Sky Creative, ITV, Cartoon Network, The Post People, European Parliament, JCDecaux, BBH London, Adobe, Skype, Axa Healthcare and Barton Willmore.

    Be trained by a working designer and author

    Angie Taylor - Adobe Software TrainerAngie is a motion graphic designer with over thirty years experience, working in the film and television industry. She has written several books, articles and video training courses about creative software applications and motion graphic design.

    When the Cabin is not being used for training Angie creates motion graphic and animation projects from the Cabin for her own clients who she works for on a freelance basis. You can see examples of Angie’s work here.

    Angie is also a published author with five books published on the subjects of Adobe After Effects and motion graphic design. She is also an author of training courses at Lynda.com.

    Angie’s unique style of software training is delivered on a one-to-one basis and courses are customised for each individual client.

    Work on real world projects

    Anyone can follow step-by-step tutorials but we don’t believe that this “watch and follow” technique is the best approach for learning software – it doesn’t cultivate confidence. Our aim is to get you to a stage where you use the software intuitively.

    Angie designs bespoke one-to-one training courses to cover more specific or unusual requirements for those who prefer to concentrate only on specific features of the application?

    All levels of experience are catered for. You can choose from pre-designed training courses that cover all levels of user from beginners to advanced power-users.

    Problem solving

    The best way to master any software application is to go through a process of problem-solving on your own projects. Together, you and your trainer will work out the best approach to get the results you want from the software.

    We can provide purpose-built training files to teach you certain concepts and techniques but we can also work on your own projects if you’re happy to bring them along. If you’re interested in booking the cabin accommodation, training or a package that includes both, please book here.

  • Interactive Software Training

    Remote training in the comfort of your own desktop

    For those who are not in the Brighton or London area, Angie provides interactive software training remotely via SkypeAdobe Connect, Google Hangout or Apple Messages.

    Angie Taylor Teaching at FMX

    What’s covered?

    This kind of training is perfect for those who have encountered problems that they can’t resolve on their own. You can ask Angie any questions regarding how to do something with the software and she’ll find a solution for you and demonstrate to you how to solve it.

    Subjects covered include all aspects of Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Maxon Cinema 4D. You can email Angie questions beforehand so that she can prepare materials suitable for your particular needs. She will share any necessary materials with you so you can follow along or you can have Angie work on your own projects.

    How Does it work?

    This involves sitting at your own computer while Angie Shares her screen with you to show you her tips and techniques and answer your questions. You can follow her steps as you watch and ask questions, just like you can in a regular training course. It’s easy to set up. all you need to do is to contact Angie with your requirements and then she’ll help you with the rest.

    What does it cost?

    For individuals, the cost of this bespoke one-to-one software training is $74.95 per hour (Bookings of 5 hours or more are charged at $45.95 per hour). Setting up is free, you won’t be charged till the training begins.

    How do I pay?

    Payment is made before the session and can be done via your own Paypal account or by direct Bank transfer.

    Remote Training for Groups

    Angie can also provide training for groups via Skype, Google Hangouts or Adobe Connect.  In a classroom situation, this can be done via a TV that can display Skype. Angie can help you set this up.

    Alternatively, people can access the training at their own desktops using Adobe Connect. This is ideal for training groups who include people in different locations or situations where a single training room is not available. The cost for group training is a flat rate of $99.95 per hour.