I recently published my Kinetic Typography Techniques for After Effects course. In it I used a wide selection of fonts that are freely downloadable from various websites, just to make sure everyone following the tutorial could get access to the same fonts.
Unfortunately one of the websites I recommended is no longer in operation. Below I’ve providing alternative links to all of the fonts used in these workshops. I cannot guarantee that these links will always be maintained as they are from third-party sites so I’ve also included the font names so that you can search for them using your favourite search engine, should the links expire.
When downloading these shareware fonts please take a few minutes to click on the Donate button for each of them. Even if you only donate $5 it will help make sure that these hard-working font designers get rewarded for providing us all with very low priced fonts to experiment with. This is particularly important if you are going to be using any of the fonts in paid work. It’s good karma and will make you feel good that you’re helping out a fellow designer!
If you’re interested in understanding more about the financial struggles that all designers are facing, please check out this entertaining graph by Jessica Hische which determines whether a designer should work for free! Jessica is a font designer and letterer who campaigns for fair pricing for fonts and other design work.
Here are your font links;
Usage Guidelines
The fonts presented here are their authors’ property. They are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence is usually positioned near the download button but please check the readme-files in the zipped packages or check the author’s website for details. You can contact him/her if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated it means that information is not available. It doesn’t mean it’s free, it is your own responsibility to find out more if you want to use it commercially.