Tag: CS6

  • Up and Running with Illustrator CS6

    Up and Running with Illustrator CS6

    Up and Running with Illustrator CS6

    In CS6 Adobe Illustrator is more powerful than ever before, and in this course Angie Taylor shows just how easy it can be to use. Get a tour of the interface, gain an understanding of the workflow, and be introduced to core techniques like working with artboards, understanding layers and objects, and making and moving selections. Angie also shows how to create images from shapes, apply color, reshape paths, and save and export artwork for the web, print, or animation.

    Topics include:

    • Setting up a new document
    • Navigating within the workspace
    • Understanding layers and objects
    • Creating images from shapes
    • Applying color
    • Using the Appearance panel
    • Creating shapes with the Blob Brush and Eraser tools
    • Working with the Pen and Pencil tools
    • Tweaking, exporting, and saving artwork
  • Motion Graphics Webinar

    Motion Graphics Webinar

    Free Adobe CS6 WebinarCreative Motion Graphics Webinar with Adobe Production Premium CS6
    Friday 31st August 2012, 11.00 BST – Presented by: Angie Taylor

    Join Angie for an engaging Motion Graphics Webinar packed full of the best tips and tricks for Production Premium CS6. Production Premium CS6 offers a sleek, fresh editing environment in Adobe Premiere Pro; 3D tracking and extruded text and shapes in Adobe After Effects; new Content-Aware tools in Adobe Photoshop Extended; and faster editing in Adobe Audition. Learn all about the new features of CS6 as well as new additions, Adobe Prelude for logging and ingest and Adobe SpeedGrade for color grading and finishing.

    Click to register for this Complimentary WebinarRegister


  • Adobe After Effects CS6 – Learn by Video

    Adobe After Effects CS6 – Learn by Video

    It’s finally here, my brand new After Effects CS6 – Learn by Video course. I worked on this course with Adobe’s Todd Kopriva who I just love working with. Together we teamed up to provide a good mix of technical and creative training in our favorite software application. We hope you enjoy it. Here’s an intro to the course from us both.

    This Learn by Video course offers in-depth training on the interface, workflow, and features of Adobe After Effects CS6. If you subscribe to my newsletter you can get 20% off this course with a discount code. The contents of this course include:

    Introducing After Effects CS6
    In this chapter you’ll get an overview of how After Effects works, what it does, and what the main controls are.

    Interface Tour
    Before you start following along with the instructions in this training, it will help to learn what the controls are called and where things are located. You’ll learn about the basic controls and the most commonly used panels in this chapter.

    Creating Compositions and Layers
    In After Effects we work in projects. Every project contains compositions, each of which is the framework of a movie; layers are assembled within the framework of these compositions. In this chapter you’ll learn how to create compositions and bring layers into them from the Project panel. You’ll also learn how to create layers from scratch.

    Importing Footage
    In this chapter you’ll learn how to bring various types of files into After Effects. You’ll also see how to make sure After Effects interprets these files correctly and how to manage them once you get them in.

    Interpreting and Managing Footage
    Sometimes you need to tell After Effects how to use source files. This chapter shows you how to set various parameters for how files are interpreted and used.

    Animation Basics
    The most important aspect of learning to fully understand After Effects is getting to grips with how After Effects handles animation. Once you have mastered the topics covered in this chapter, you can really do anything in this powerful application.

    Fine-Tuning Animation
    This chapter will take your animation skills further by showing you how to understand timing. You’ll learn how to work in the Layer panel and the Graph Editor for more precise control over layers and animation.

    Animating Text Layers
    Text layers can be animated in a variety of different ways to create exciting and compelling motion graphics. In this chapter you’ll learn about the properties and methods used to control these layers. Text layer properties use a slightly different animation system than standard layer properties, so we’ll also discuss the idiosyncrasies involved in animating these wonderfully flexible design elements.

    Fun with Shape Layers
    Shape layers are pretty unique but can be confusing to new users. This chapter will help demystify shape layers and give you the confidence to push them in all sorts of creative directions.

    Basic Compositing
    Compositing is about stacking layers on top of one another and making parts of each layer show through others in specific ways. You’ll learn about many of the ways to composite layers together in this chapter.

    After Effects provides you with scores of effects that you can apply to your layers, allowing you to create virtually any look or style you like. Imagine being able to animate all of these over time and you get a real sense of the creative flexibility that After Effects can offer you. This chapter tells you everything you need to know to create amazing effects.

    A movie is a series of images that plays over time, and After Effects provides many powerful controls for controlling exactly how this happens. This chapter will teach you about tools like frame blending, slow motion, freeze-frame, and more.

    Grouping and Linking
    There are times when it makes sense to group layers together into a single item, either to simplify complicated comps or to make editing, moving, or applying effects a whole lot easier. In this chapter we’ll look at several methods for grouping layers together.

    Introduction to 3D
    After Effects allows you to transform and animate your layers within a 3D environment. This adds some complexity to your compositions. After Effects CS6 also lets you work in ray-traced 3D, where you can extrude and bevel shapes and text and even bend video layers. In this chapter you’ll see how After Effects deals with mixing 2D and 3D in the same composition.

    Memory and Performance
    Every person, project, and computer system is different. In this chapter you’ll learn how to configure After Effects to match your needs, the capabilities of your computer system, and the needs of your projects.

    Render Order and Collapsing Transformations
    Layers and their components are processed in a specific order. In this chapter you’ll learn about that order and how to use special features to control it

    Output Options
    When you’re finished with your project, you need to get your data out of After Effects, usually as a finished movie. In this chapter, you’ll learn the basics of rendering and exporting movies.

    Project Explorations and Recap
    This chapter contains some examples of animations created in After Effects along with explanations of how they were made. You’ll also get some tips on integrating After Effects with Cinema 4D, as well as some final thoughts on the course and suggestions for further learning.

    The lessons are wrapped in a feature-rich interface that lets you jump to any topic and bookmark individual sections for later review. Full-Screen mode provides a hi-def, immersive experience, and Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window so you can play the videos alongside your application. Also included are exercise files that give you an easy way to try out the techniques you learn and a 48-page guide containing supplemental material.

  • Illustrator CS6 – Learn by Video

    Illustrator CS6 – Learn by Video

    I’m very pleased to announce that my new workshop – Adobe Illustrator CS6 – Learn by Video – is now available to buy directly from the web store on my videos page. I’m also featuring some free example movies from this workshop right here so you can try before you buy.

    Newsletter subscribers can also benefit from a 20% discount code off the price of the entire workshop so if you haven’t already subscribed you can do so now to take advantage of this and other special offers only available to my subscribers.

    This Learn by Video course offers in-depth training on the interface, workflow, and features of Adobe Illustrator CS6. Amongst other things you’ll learn my own techniques for drawing characters including my “Illustrator” superhero. Here’s the intro movie where I tell you more about the course.

    The contents of this course include:

    Introducing Illustrator CS6
    In this chapter you’ll be introduced to Adobe Illustrator — what it is and what it does — and get an overview of what will be covered in this course. You’ll also be taken on a tour of the new features in Illustrator CS6.

    Illustrator Fundamentals
    This chapter explores two concepts that are crucial to an understanding of how Illustrator works: the difference between bitmap (or raster) images and vector images, and the concept of paths.

    Exploring the Illustrator Interface
    In this chapter you’ll learn how to work with important elements of the Illustrator interface like panels, the Application bar and frame, artboards, and workspaces.

    Navigating and Using Views in Illustrator
    Being able to easily move around your documents and see them in different ways can be a big help in your work. This chapter will explain how to navigate in Illustrator CS6 and use the different viewing and screen modes.

    Working with Documents
    This chapter shows you how to efficiently create, modify, and view documents. You’ll learn how to use templates, guides, grids, Adobe Bridge, and more.

    Creating and Working with Shapes
    Shapes are a very important part of Illustrator, and in this chapter you’ll learn about the various tools available for creating and modifying shapes.

    You can transform objects in a variety of different ways in Illustrator CS6. This chapter shows you the various methods that can be used to transform and modify objects, including how to use the Transform panel.

    Understanding Objects and Layers
    This chapter shows you how to select and modify objects in Illustrator CS6 and explores the multitude of options you can use to create artwork. We’ll look at saving selections, grouping items, layers and stacking order, and Isolation mode.

    Drawing is at the heart of the work you’ll do in Illustrator. In this chapter you’ll learn all about the tools, techniques, and features related to drawing in Illustrator CS6.

    Using Symbols
    Symbols are a handy feature in Illustrator, and in this chapter you’ll learn how to create them, move and rotate them, adjust their size and color, and apply graphic styles.

    Color makes a big difference to the appearance of your artwork. In this chapter you’ll learn how to work with color-related features in Illustrator like the Colors panel, swatches, gradients, Live Paint, and more.

    In this chapter you’ll learn how to add text to your documents, format that text, create styles, and more.

    Working with Images
    In this chapter, you’ll learn how to place graphics and see all the tools Illustrator offers once they are there to help you get great results in your designs.

    Working with Effects
    With effects, you can apply a look to a path that doesn’t alter the path at all. It will print like what you see on your monitor, but in reality, it’s all just an illusion…a very powerful, editable, printable illusion that can be saved as a PDF, placed in Photoshop and InDesign, and more. You’ll learn all about this incredible technology in this chapter.

    If you have information you want to convey as a graph or chart, Illustrator has the tool. The chart and graph tools in Illustrator aren’t new, but they are very powerful and allow you to present data in a more interesting way, as you’ll see in this chapter.

    Beyond Illustrator
    Eventually there will come a time when you want to save your Illustrator work as a PDF or in one of the common web file formats, or output it for use in an animation. The videos in this chapter will show you how.

    Project Explorations
    In this chapter you’ll apply the skills you’ve learned in this course to some projects that give you an idea of just what Illustrator is capable of.

    Closing Thoughts
    In this chapter you’ll get a brief recap of what’s been covered in the course and a few final thoughts from the author.

    The lessons are wrapped in a feature-rich interface that lets you jump to any topic and bookmark individual sections for later review. Full-Screen mode provides a hi-def, immersive experience, and Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window so you can play the videos alongside your application. Also included are exercise files that give you an easy way to try out the techniques you learn and a 48-page guide containing supplemental material.

    Click here to subscribe to my Newsletter and enefit from a 20% discount code off the price of the entire workshop.

  • Adobe CS6 Software Training Videos

    Adobe CS6 Software Training Videos

    This week, to celebrate the launch of Adobe’s Creative Suite I’ve released a whole host of new Adobe CS6 software training videos from new and forthcoming workshops produced with video2brain. So now you know why I’ve been relatively quiet for the last couple of months!

    The workshops will be out very soon but meanwhile we thought it would be nice for you to get a sneak preview of what you can expect from the full workshops. Here’s a little bit about CS6, from the perspective of the video2brain authors. You can more free example movies from each of my new titles listed below.

    Adobe After Effects CS6: Learn by Video

    Master the Fundamentals

    Adobe After Effects is an incredibly deep and rich set of tools for creating motion graphics, manipulating movies, adding visual effects, and more. In this Learn by Video course, created in partnership with our friends at Peachpit Press, experts Todd Kopriva and Angie Taylor teach you how to make the most of this powerful software, including the new features in After Affects CS6.

    After getting an overview of the workflow and the user interface, you will learn how to bring assets into After Effects and configure the software for optimum performance. You’ll also learn a range of compositing features, including the new variable-width masks and 3D camera tracker features, as well as basic masking and color keying. Tips on everything from troubleshooting and avoiding common problems to creating finished movie files round out this comprehensive training.

    To be notified when this product is released, please visit this page and click on the Notify Me link.

    Adobe Illustrator CS6 workshops

    I’ve also finished working on two new titles for Adobe Illustrator CS6 which will be out really soon. Below are some taster movies from my Adobe Illustrator CS6 – Getting Started course and my Adobe Illustrator CS6 – Learn by Video course that I created with co-author Chad Chelius.

    If you’d like to be kept up to date as soon as new courses become available you can subscribe using your favourite browser or email client.

    video2brain Feeds

    New Courses: http://www.video2brain.com/en/rss-trainings.xml

    Free Lessons: http://www.video2brain.com/en/rss-videos.xml

    Upcoming Titles: http://www.video2brain.com/en/rss-preview.xml

  • After Effects CS6 New Feature Highlights

    After Effects CS6 New Feature Highlights

    Well, it’s finally been announced and I can talk about it, my After Effects CS6 new feature highlights. My dear friends at Adobe have once again pulled it off and produced a great update to my favorite software application – After Effects CS6! Rather than bombard you with loads of text I’ve created a movie to highlight my favorite new features, you can watch that movie here.

    If you want more information about After Effects CS6 features not covered here Todd Kopriva has produced two great free training workshops in conjunction with the lovely people at video2brain.

    After Effects CS6 New Features Workshop includes one hour & forty-five minutes of free movies covering the new features in more detail.

    There’s also a fantastic new version of Premiere Pro on the horizon. If you want to find out about the new features, check out Todd’s two hours of free training movies here.