Tag: Conference

  • NAB 2014

    Post Production World ConferenceI’m really happy to have been invited to speak at the Post Production World Conference at NAB 2014 in Las Vegas this year. You can find details about all of my sessions here.

  • After Effects World Conference

    Where VFX, Motion Graphics and creativity connect

    After Effects World Conference

    Never before has an After Effects user conference of this magnitude been available. Until now. Uniquely designed with the needs of motion graphics & visual effects professionals in mind, as well as professional editors new to After Effects, it’s your opportunity to amp up your software aptitude, build professional connections and freely engage in creative exploration.

    Discount Code

    Special 10% discount for all Angie Taylor subscribers and customers. Use the customer code ANGIEAEW near the end of the registration process to redeem. Contact Event Manager Jack Reilly for further information.

    What you get

    Three and a half days, and over 40 cutting-edge training sessions to build your efficiency and elevate your creativity using this sophisticated software.  You’ll interact directly and learn first-hand from iconic After Effects trainers and users.

    After Effects World Conference will also bring attendees into the heart of the Adobe brain trust. On Friday, all of our speakers and attendees will depart the hotel to spend the day at the Adobe offices! Once there, attendees will be treated to panel discussions, a mini expo, workshops with the founders and designers of After Effects, and a special keynote presentation.

    After Effects is the industry standard for motion graphics and visual effects. It’s a feature-rich program, and now, even includes a new 3D pipeline with Cinema 4D. After Effects allows users to create something truly great. Join us at After Effects World Conference and learn how.

  • After Effects World Conference

    After Effects World Conference

    Great News! I’ll be one of the speakers at the very first After Effects World conference. Never before has an After Effects World Conference of this magnitude been available — Until now.

    After Effects World Conference, Seattle, WA

    Uniquely designed with the needs of motion graphics and visual effects professionals in mind, it’s your opportunity to amp up your software aptitude, build professional connections and freely engage in creative exploration. www.AfterEffectsWorld.com

    Trip To Adobe Headquarters

    Attendees of this unique After Effects conference will visit Adobe headquarters in Seattle for a full day, meeting the developers & engineers of After Effects. We’ll have panel discussions, a mini expo, a special keynote presentation and collaborative workshops with the Adobe team, followed by a BBQ & networking — a perfect way to end the day.

    Some of the Speakers

    After Effects World Conference Speakers Image

    For more information and registration visit www.AfterEffectsWorld.com.

    Have a question?  LIVE CHAT NOW or call us toll free: 877-362-8724.

    After Effects World Conference Registration button


  • MacWorld 2010 – Are you going to San Fransisco?

    I’m hoping to see a few of you at MacWorld 2010 where I’ll be speaking next year. I love San Fransisco so will be taking a little extra time out to hang out with my old friends, Amacker and Nina at the Lucky 13 bar on Castro. I also hope to catch up with all my other SF buddies, it’s always hard to fit everything in as there are so many people I love in the bay area!

    If you’d like to attend you can click on the banner to the left to get a discount. Click on the Register button and then just use my personal priority code, ATAYLOR when you register.
    Below are details about the talk I’ll be delivering;

    Users Conference US964: Creative Video Workflow – From Storyboard to Completion – Feb. 12, 2010    3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

    Angie Taylor will take you on a journey through a typical video project, showing the entire process including the creation of sketches, brainstorms and storyboards, audio production and clean up, editing, and producing the final project. Angie will also discuss how creative professionals can bring unity and clarity to complex creative projects. Aspects of automating time sheets, liaising with clients, auditing jobs and packaging final files for delivery will be explored within this session.

    Anyone with personal or professional interests in creating digital videos and working with tools such as After Effects, Flash, Flow, CS4, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro and Soundbooth, will benefit from this session.

    If you are interested in a streamlined way to look at the digital video process including tips and tricks using various software tools that will help maximize the creative input and minimize the project complexities, then this session is for you!

    Angie’s Shuffle Track of the Day: San Fransisco – Scott McKenzie – listen free on Last FM