Paper Folding Animation

Paper Folding Animation After Effects

After Effects tutorial:

Create a 3D paper folding animation

Build a trick paper-folding animation from still images in After Effects.

Paper Folding Animation After Effects

Approaches like this are really useful as they allow you to create footage and a quirky paper folding animation from very few source files. All I’ve used here are five images of these models – and one audio track. Here’s a three-part tutorials series that I’ve created at the Digital Arts website. Click on the links below to go to the Digital Arts website. Following these links is the movie showing the effect that you will create.

Part 1 – After Effects tutorial: Create a 3D paper folding animation

BFolding Paper Animation in After Effectsuild a trick paper-folding animation from still images in After Effects.

Part 2 – After Effects tutorial: Automate cuts to sequence comps in After Effects

Discover a simple way to automate the process of cutting a sequence of comps together on the Timeline in After Effects, and apply 3D lights, cameras and effects to all of them.

Adding 3D object to After Effects with CinewarePart 3 –After Effects tutorial: Add a 3D object to a comp in After Effects using Cineware and Cinema 4D Lite

Use Cineware to add a real 3D object to your After Effects scene and apply 3D lights, cameras and effects to it.


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