Animated Character Design in Adobe Illustrator

Animated Character Design in Illustrator

This workshop from author and animator Angie Taylor will teach you how to use Illustrator’s tools and features to prepare 2D files for animation in Adobe After Effects. You’ll learn how to make the most of Illustrator’s drawing tools and Autotrace feature, and to how use Live Paint and Kuler to recolor artwork. You’ll also get tons of tips and tricks for giving artwork a hand-drawn look and find out how to set up layers, aspect ratios, and transparency options for importing into After Effects. The lessons are focused and solution-oriented, and all the project files are included. Topics covered include:

  • Setting up your workspace for video and animation
  • Working with Autotrace, Live Paint, and Kuler
  • Using multiple artboards for creating storyboards
  • Taking advantage of views and workspaces

Drawing freehand in Illustrator using a variety of tools including the new improved Eraser tool and the Blob Brush tool

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