After Effects World Conference

After Effects World Conference

Great News! I’ll be one of the speakers at the very first After Effects World conference. Never before has an After Effects World Conference of this magnitude been available — Until now.

After Effects World Conference, Seattle, WA

Uniquely designed with the needs of motion graphics and visual effects professionals in mind, it’s your opportunity to amp up your software aptitudebuild professional connections and freely engage in creative

Trip To Adobe Headquarters

Attendees of this unique After Effects conference will visit Adobe headquarters in Seattle for a full day, meeting the developers & engineers of After Effects. We’ll have panel discussions, a mini expo, a special keynote presentation and collaborative workshops with the Adobe team, followed by a BBQ & networking — a perfect way to end the day.

Some of the Speakers

After Effects World Conference Speakers Image

For more information and registration visit

Have a question?  LIVE CHAT NOW or call us toll free: 877-362-8724.

After Effects World Conference Registration button



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