IBC 2008

Wel, just back from another amazing IBC it was a great show and the whole expereience somewhat revived my enthusiasm for my job.

I decided to split the work this year and worked for Adobe in the mornings, and Gridiron in the Afternoons.In retrospect this was a bit over-ambitious for me, it was very tiring and the costume changes got a bit confusing, I felt like I had a split personality. It also made it harder to catch up with everyone I wanted to but it was good to be busy. Having said that I think I’ll stick to single companies from now on!

On the Adobe stand we showed the new CS4 video products which was really exciting. There’s an online event on the 23rd of September where you can see the new announcements so make sure to check in for that one, you can register here. I also did an impromptu interview and demo for Rick Young which I will post here as soon as it’s up online.

Working with the Gridiron Software team was fabulous. I met with old friends like Steve Forde, Mark Coleran, Daniel Brown. And met some great new people who I had only previously met via email. They are a great team to work with and I hope to be doing more work with them in the future.

We showed Flow which is the most exciting piece of software I’ve seen in years, plain and simple. It has already won industry awards at Macworld and NAB and continues to impress at every showing. It is such a great product to show as everyone I showed it to got the concept quickly and fell in love with it. It truly is revolutionary. If you want to find out more you can see an online demo, and sign up for the public beta here.

Of course there were lots of great parties and social events to attend so I’m feeling a little burnt out right now but have a two week vacation coming up. Can’t wait to kick back for a few days and get some well-needed R&R.


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