The Struggle
She woke up that morning, full of enthusiasm, only to be hit by another knock-back. It was that day that she finally accepted reality. It didn’t matter how much she tried, she would never reach the top.
She woke up that morning, full of enthusiasm, only to be hit by another knock-back. It was that day that she finally accepted reality. It didn’t matter how much she tried, she would never reach the top.
Small PosterPoster for the She Art 2021 exhibition and party – hosted by Angie Taylor at the London Gallery in Cryptovoxels. Saturday 11th September 2021
I love you Hawthorn Tree. With your berries, leaves and blossms, you heal all ills. With your curly branches and gnarly bark, you share your strength and wisdom. Always there, part of me. Always here, part of you.
We wear make-up, jewellery and style our hair to make us feel stronger, seem younger, to hide our feelings from others. But look behind the mask to see the raw truth.
No visible means of support – And you have not seen nothin’ yet. Everything’s stuck together And I don’t know what you expect Staring into the TVWatch out, you might get what you’re after, Hold tight Wait ’til the party’s over,Three hundred sixty five degrees.