Trash Punk
Punk made of trash with fag-ashes for brains
Punk made of trash with fag-ashes for brains
Made in response to the protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini. This sculpture shows an angry protester cutting her hair in defiance. Made for the #HENreunion event. 50% of proceeds from sale will be used to buy art from Iranian artists on Tezos.
#1 of 1 in series 3D PuNKs – 3D model of punk icon Siouxsie Sioux. Created especially for Pindar Van Arman in celebration of collecting all nine character traits from Angie Taylor’s ProPEr PuNKs on Async Blueprints. The character is wearing a T-shirt with a design from Pindar’s Proper Punks collection. This is a unique and interactive 3D model which can be placed into metaverse galleries. It can also be used with #AR- in order to place the model into your own chosen real-world environments.
The selkie is a mythological changeling from Scottish and Nordic folklore. Selkies are those with condemned souls. They are Fallen angels who spend their lives shape-shifting between humans and seals. Stories about selkies involve questions about love, life & death. Legends often feature tales of struggles between good & evil. These stories inspire us to protect the natural world. In this ambiguous sculpture, we are unsure whether the selkie is saving the man from drowning, making love to him, or dragging him to his death. The selkie’s calm, upright appearance represents stoic perseverance, determined strength & natural beauty. The man’s expression could be either passionate ecstasy or painful hopelessness. This interactive 3D sculpture can be downloaded and used in the metaverse or displayed in 3D galleries. It can also be viewed using AR mode – to place it inside your own environment. Inspired by the art of Edward Fuglø: http://www.edwardfuglo.com/2007.html
Animated sculpture – King of Trash – Robness Swayze – dances through his life in this remix tribute piece made for #teztrash Take your passion And make it happen Pictures come alive You can dance right through your life